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The Subtle Art of Yoga Practice Retreat

Why do we “do “ yoga ?

Yogic practice stems from a foundation of Ahimsa (non harming)  and guides us to the independence from our identification with our acquired nature and circumstances.

How do we practice Yoga and experience a Yogic lifestyle  toward this goal ?

Inspiration will be drawn from “Yoganjalisaram “ a poetic composition of T. Krishnamacharya, Patanjlia Yoga Sutra and the guiding principles and practice of Krishnamacharya.

The sessions will  focus on how the techniques of Yoga link us to the purpose of Yoga.

We will experience asana , pranayama ,dhyanam , Mantra centred Viniyoga, Japa meditation, philosophical discourse,Vedic chanting, Nyasam (placing the mind focus to energy centres or parts of the body ), relaxation and even a yoga related movie night.

See under EVENTS for more details.